
Car Licence - Auto and manual

Lesson :

  • $77.00 per 1 hr lesson inc. GST

Test Fee :

  • $187.00 inc. GST (includes 1 hour lesson before test)

Test Book-in Fee :

  • $70 Payable to Dept of Transport

Learners Permit :

  • $171.90 Payable to Dept of Transport

Truck Licence

 Lesson :

  • LR: $120 per 1 hour lesson
  • MR: $140 per 1 hour lesson
  • HR: $140 per 1 hour lesson
  • HC: $150 per 1 hour lesson

Test Fee :

  • LR: $350(1 hour lesson included with test)
  • MR: $400 (1 hour lesson included with test)
  • HR: $400 (1 hour lesson included with test)
  • HC: $500 (1 hour lesson included with test)

Test Book-in Fee :

  • $70 Payable to Dept of Transport

Learners Heavy Vehicle :

  • $30 Payable to Dept of Transport

Truck Day Courses

 Day Courses :

  • LR:  $660 including Test - Plus TMR Booking Fee
  • MR: $750 including Test - Plus TMR Booking Fee
  • HR Restricted: $800 including Test - Plus TMR Booking Fee
  • HC Restricted: $1100 including Test - Plus TMR Booking Fee